As a holiday gift to our members, please join us for a special FREE edition of our film discussion series: Tre, due, uno, ciak! Si parla!
Tre, due, uno, ciak! Si parla! is a fun way share our love of Italian cinema and language. How does it work? Easy, we recommend an Italian movie, you watch it on your own, and then we all get together on Zoom to discuss it, in Italian, of course! It's a a great way to practice your listening skills and to improve your spoken Italian in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
The conversation will be moderated by movie buff Serena Capozi, who is also one of our experienced moderators for Il Punto's Italian Conversation Groups. This event is designed for advanced- or intermediate-level students of Italian.
This month we are watching and discussing a classic of the Italian cinema, Parenti Serpenti by Mario Monicelli! This unconventional "Christmas movie" is a tremendous Italian black comedy, a Monicelli masterpiece.
Parenti Serpenti (1992) Regia di Mario Monicelli
Come ogni anno, gli anziani genitori invitano a casa loro i quattro figli e le rispettive famiglie a Sulmona, in Abruzzo, per festeggiare le feste natalizie. Tutto procede come previsto fino a quando durante il pranzo di Natale, l’anziana madre comunica ai figli che a causa dell’età che avanza, non vogliono più di vivere in casa da soli e vorrebbero trasferirsi a casa di uno dei quattro figli. La famiglia che li accoglierà in casa riceverà parte della pensione e la loro casa in eredità. Saranno i figli a decidere chi si assumerà l'onere di ospitarli in casa propria.
Dearest Relatives (1992) Directed by Mario Monicelli
As they do every year, an aging couple invites their four children, along with their respective families, to Sulmona, in Abruzzo, to celebrate Christmas holidays. Everything goes as planned until during the Christmas lunch, the mother drops a bombshell: due to their advanced age, they no longer wish to live alone and they would like to move in with one of their children. The family that will welcome them will receive part of the pension and inherit their apartment. The children decide amongst themselves who will take over the burden to welcoming them.
Watch it free on:
NOTE: On Youtube is possible to add subtitles by clicking the "cc" in the bottom right. The subtitles are automatically generated in Italian, but it is possible to translate into English by clicking the setting icon (just on the right of the "cc"), clicking subtitles Italian autogenerated, then clicking auto-translate. A new window with a list of languages will open and they will be able to select English.